Preparing for the Bridegroom

Join us for this 8-week small group study, meeting in homes. It’s important with all that’s going on in the world to keep our eyes on Jesus and prepare for the coming of our Bridegroom!

Weekly Content

Revelation 3:7-13

Your Bridegroom. The Holy and True One, who has the Key of David.

Revelation 4:1-11

Your Bridegroom.

Revelation 19:6-13 & 22:1-7, 10

The Marriage of the Lamb is come; Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy.

Revelation 1:1-9, 17-19

Your Bridegroom. The revelation of Jesus.

Revelation 2:1,3-5, 7 & 2:8-17

Your Bridegroom – Who holds the Seven Stars – Who has the Sharp Two-Edged Sword.

Revelation 2:18-28 & 3:1-5

Your Bridegroom. Who has eyes like a flame of fire. Who has the Seven Spirits of God.

Revelation 3:14-22

Your Bridegroom. The Amen, Faithful and True Witness!

Revelation 5:5-14

The Bridegroom. The Lamb - Lion of the tribe of Judah, Root of David, Conqueror opens the scroll.