Welcome to Maranatha Young Adults!
We are a young adults group that aims to connect people with God, the Word, and each other! In everything we do we hope to bring God glory by loving Jesus and loving people. In our group, we strive to create a welcoming environment to connect one another with likeminded people.
we meet every Wednesday @6:30pm in the sanctuary at Maranatha Chapel.
Follow us on instagram to see everything thats happening in our community @maranatha.youngadults
Drew Bogue
Faith Schmucker

Maranatha Young Adults
We experience God.
We believe that the Bible doesn’t just log ancient stories, it reveals who God is and how He is faithful to His promises. Because of that, we believe that our experience of God is shaped by how God is revealed to us in this book. So each week we take time to open the Scriptures to admire and worship our good God who has loved us and given Himself for us.
We worship together.
We believe that in worship and prayer we connect with God in a powerful way. Both to praise and thank Him for who He is, and to realign our perspective and hearts as we proclaim things that are true about Him.
We connect to one another.
We believe that the only thing God has asked us to do on our own is believe; because only you alone can make that choice for yourself. Everything else He asks of us, He invites us to do together. The Bridge Community is a precious gift to young adults in our region who want to learn to follow Jesus together. It’s a place full of laughter, friendship, and support. It’s a place for you.