Whether you are new to reading the bible or enjoy it as your daily bread, we are so excited to have you join us as we go through this “90-days with Jesus” reading plan! We understand as Christians that God’s word is very important to be connected to daily. You will meet with Jesus through each chapter and your faith will be encouraged in your daily walk with Him.
Subscribe to this reading plan to have a “90-days with Jesus” devotional emailed to you every day, starting on January 13th. Each email will include that day’s reading plan accompanied with a short video with a word of encouragement on that chapter from one of Maranatha’s staff members! Our hope is that as we journey together through the “90-days with Jesus” plan, we will encounter His presence and be changed more into His image!
Click below to sign up to receive the
90 Days with Jesus newsletter!
Day Eight:
Day Nine:
Day Ten:
Day Eleven:
Day Twelve:
Day Thirteen:
Day Fourteen:
Day Fifteen:
Day Sixteen:
Day Seventeen:
Day Eighteen:
Day Nineteen:
Day Twenty:
Day Twenty-One:
Day Twenty-Two:
Day Twenty-Three:
Day Twenty-Four:
Day Twenty-Five:
Day Twenty-Six:
Day Twenty-Seven:
Day Twenty-Eight:
Download the Maranatha Chapel app. You will find the “90-days with Jesus” reading plan and you can subscribe to receive daily the “90-days with Jesus” devotion.
Set aside a few minutes each day to read through the devotional (hint: it’s harder to find time when the day gets busy). This will help to build a habit of reading each day.
Begin your time with a short prayer asking God to speak to you the very “truth” you need to hear that will bring you closer to Jesus.
Write down in a journal what God showed you each day and think on that “truth” as you go throughout your day.
End your time with a little prayer asking God how you can apply what he spoke to you that day.
Finally, don’t get discouraged if you miss a day. Just start right back where you left off and together let’s seek to draw closer to Jesus through this plan!