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Annual Churchwide Study & Growth Group Breakfast

Annual Church-Wide Study “True Spirituality”

We are excited to launch our new Church-Wide study. We have chosen a new book by Chip Ingram entitled “True Spirituality, Becoming a Romans 12 Christian.”

In today’s world there is so much pressure to conform to the ungodly norms and culture around us. If you saw the opening to the Olympics, you can feel the push of this ungodly culture on us to conform to its image and be pressed it its mold. Sad to say that there are many churches and so-called “Christians” who have given in to this pressure. Paul urges us to not be conformed to this world but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. In this study we want to equip our people to live out their Christian faith and gain victory over all the power of the world, the flesh and the devil. Romans 12 gives us a snapshot of what a mature, growing Christian looks like and provides actionable steps to live out true spirituality in our daily lives. I’m excited to start this new study with you and I pray that it will bear much fruit.

This is also a great time to join a Growth Group or start a new Growth Group with friends and family. Growth Group leaders and materials will be available to you on Solomon's Porch on Sundays from October 13. You will also be able to order materials online. See our Growth Group webpage for details.

Important Dates For Church-Wide Study:

    October 9 - Deadline to register for Training Breakfast
   October 12
- Orientation / Training Breakfast “How to run theGrouth Group all church study. 
   October 13, 20 & 27
- Meet Growth Group leaders and find/join a Growth Group.

   October 16 -Official Launch of the Study, All groups start!

For more information and any questions go to go to or email Pastor Martin Sanders at

October 6

Next Steps Class

November 22

Weekend To Remember Marriage Retreat